Uncategorized - posted on March 13, 2020 by

The Rockpit Interviews Karl

Karl was fortunate to have a very long chat with The Rockpit recently. The interview discusses all things Divine Ascension including the current tour, latest release and even choosing a setlist. But it even goes into the music industry and the constant challenges the band faces.

Have a read HERE.

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Uncategorized - posted on February 17, 2019 by

Karl Guest Appears On Slightly Left Of Centre Track

Slightly Left Of Centre, Karl’s old pop band has released a previously unreleased track Cocoon from the debut album The Right Direction. The track is available on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and many other online streaming and downloading services. Karl states, “It is great to finally see this track released to the world. I remember working on it many years ago. It was a shame it never made it to the album. I think it is a great song. Maybe it is because the guitar solo is a little to crazy for pop music? Haha!”

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